Free Hugs: Vancouver Needs More Love (Vancouver, BC)

Free Hugs: Vancouver Needs More Love (Vancouver, BC)

August 19, 2017 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

Vancouver City Hall

453 West 12th

“Every action is an expression of love or a cry for love.”

There’s been a lot of violence & expressions of hate in the world lately. It’s time for us to counter hate with LOVE. I invite you to join me for the simple act of holding up a FREE HUGS sign and offering a hug to anyone & everyone who consents to one.

No politics, no discussions, no debates, just an expression of unconditional love for anyone & everyone in this universe.

=== Costumes are welcome and highly encouraged. ===

P.S. Please be crafty & make a sign beforehand. However, I will bring some extra paper & markers for those needing signs.


Disclaimer: There are multiple rallies scheduled for that location. Please do not engage or confront. Our purpose is only peace, love & non-violence. We simply offer hugs to anyone who would like a hug. Please be responsible for your own safety & be prepared to leave quickly if the situation becomes unsafe.

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.”
— Edmund Burke