Kindness Day Free Hugs! (Essex, United Kingdom)
November 13, 2016 4:00 am - 8:00 am
Top of Southend High Street
Our Free Hugs! sessions (usually held over Xmas) prove increasingly popular every year. As so many people are already talking about it, we’ve decided to hold one for World Kindness Day.
It’s very simple; come along at any point from midday til it gets dark (around 4pm) and join us to spread some love.
Bring Free Hug signs, t-shirts, cuddle-loving dogs, and your very best Hugging Arms.
You might be surprised at how good this makes you feel.
Every year we help improve mental wellbeing by reminding people in Southend that most of us are Good Guys. Be ready to spend time listening to anyone that has a hug, then finds that they could also do with a bit of a chat too. (We’ll provide a hot chocolate/cuppa for those in need of a bit more time.)
Please tell your friends and get them involved!
Not in Southend? Why not do Free Hugs for Kindness Day where you are?!