Free Hugs for Santa! (Las Vegas, NV)
December 3, 2016 9:00 am - 11:00 am
Fremont Street Experience
498 Fremont St
Let’s face it, Santa deserves a hug. He’s always doing everything for everybody and that poor guy is probably getting tired. He needs an amazing hug to give him the energy to make it through another season and we’re gonna give it to him! Unfortunately we don’t know exactly where to find him, but we do know where to find nearly 10,000 happy people dressed as Santa and if we hug at least a thousand of them, that’s gotta count for something!
Join us in downtown Las Vegas (specifically at the corner of Fremont Street and S. 3rd St. within the Fremont Street Experience) as we offer free hugs to the “Great Santa Run” participants. We’ll mingle around the gathering area hugging as many Santas as possible, then when they make their way to the starting line, we’ll skip over to a point along the course (likely S. Las Vegas Blvd. and E. Clark Ave.) to offer more free hugs as they run by!
Learn more about this wonderful event at http://lasvegassantarun.org/ and get fired up to hug these wonderful people by watching this video:
Never given out free hugs before? Check out http://www.improvanywhere.ca/freehugs.html and http://hugsarenice.com/ to learn all about it, then just show up with open arms and a smile and that’s all there is to it! We even have extra colorful “free hugs” signs available for anyone that needs them (just message us in advance so we can have one ready for you). This hugging event is totally free (although donations to Opportunity Village would be wonderful), it takes no preparation, and it requires no commitment whatsoever. Give it a shot and feel free to leave at any time if it’s not for you, but just so you know, you’ll likely find yourself hooked within minutes and you won’t want to leave even after everyone else is gone.
#fremontstreetexperience #lasvegasgreatsantarun #greatsantarun #santarun #clausforacause #opportunityvillage #lasvegas #downtownlasvegas #santahugs #santahug #santa #santaclaus #5k #hugsarenice #freehugs #hugs #hug