Free Hugs on Fremont Street! (Las Vegas, NV)
January 14, 2017 9:30 pm
Fremont Street Experience, Las Vegas, NV 89101, United States
The best conditions for free hugs include lots of people, music, and alcohol, and that’s a perfect description of Fremont Street in Las Vegas. Saturday nights have more people than any other night with three live bands playing great classic songs, a 1,500 feet long light show LED ceiling, street performers posing for photos, happy people dancing, and it needs one more thing . . . let’s see . . . free hugs!
We’ll be meeting up in front of the East entrance of the Golden Nugget at Fremont Street and Casino Center Blvd (http://tinyurl.com/znxbxu5) then just wondering up and down Fremont Street dancing and giving free hugs. There will be at least four of us dressed in cuddly onesies: Cookie Monster, Elmo, a Frog, and a Dinosaur, and hopefully some other friendly plain-clothed individuals with signs. You don’t need anything special to join us and we’ll be sure to have extra signs available. Just show up, grab a sign, and spread some hugs!
Never given out free hugs before? Check out http://www.improvanywhere.ca/freehugs.html and http://hugsarenice.com/ to learn all about it, then just show up with open arms and a smile and that’s all there is to it! This hugging event is totally free, it takes no preparation, and it requires no commitment whatsoever. Give it a shot and feel free to leave at any time if it’s not for you, but just so you know, you’ll likely find yourself hooked within minutes and you won’t want to leave even after everyone else is gone.
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