Free Hugs on the Smithsonian National Mall (Washington, DC)
January 14, 2018 11:00 am - 1:00 pm
Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History
10th St. & Constitution Ave. NW
In Celebration of Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa and the New Year, we are sharing FREE HUGS:
On SUNDAY, JANUARY 14th, 2PM-4PM we will be offering and receiving FREE HUGS on the Smithsonian National Mall.
!! IMPORTANT !! At 2 PM we meet at the NATIONAL MUSEUM of NATURAL HISTORY on the NATIONAL MALL SIDE OF THE MUSEUM about 200 feet to the LEFT of the stairs that go up to the entrance of the Museum
FREE HUGS gatherings generate so much excitement, joy, appreciation, connection, peace, love, smiles, “Thank you’s,” lots of laughter and such positive energy!!
Our FREE HUGS movement is all about “Spreading More Love” regardless of political, religious, racial or gender identification or any other identification.
[FREE HUGS gatherings are 1) NOT for advertising our businesses; 2) NOT about promoting political or religious or racial or gender issues or any other issues.]
PARKING: L’Enfant Plaza Parking Garage
METRO: Smithsonian National Mall Metro Station (NOT Independence Ave.)
We hope you will join us on Sunday for an awesome time!
Lots of Hugs…jeff
301-885-8259 (c)
*Note: if you agree to participate in any FREE HUGS Event, you agree to the following terms:
By choosing to attend this event, you are acknowledging the risks involved, and you are committing to participate nonviolently and in accordance with the law.
You agree (i) not to engage in any act of violence or violation of any applicable law (ii) to obey the orders of authorized event marshals and law enforcement authorities (iii) that any Meetup group will not be responsible to any injury or damage to your person or property resulting from or occurring in the course of your participating in the Event; and you agree to release and forever hold harmless Jeff Maurer, Meetup group and their respective employees and volunteers from liability for any such injury or damage.