Spread LōVë: Global Impact! (Las Vegas, NV)
February 26, 2017 7:15 am - 10:15 am
190 E Flamingo Rd, Las Vegas, NV 89109-4574, United States
ŸÔ Org., Hugs are nice, Vancouver Helping Hands Foundation, and Party Well are going GLOBAL with a simultaneous LiveStreamed Spread Love event!!! Join the Cause or Watch Live as the Power of Love is demonstrated in 3 seperate locations. ♥ (Global Details: https://www.facebook.com/YOx2017/).
The goal of the Spread Love event is to . . . Spread Love! The Las Vegas, Nevada location will be spreading love through free hugs and free cookies – first to the thousands of participants of the Hot Chocolate 15k/5k (https://www.hotchocolate15k.com/lasvegas/), then to anyone and everyone in Las Vegas.
Picture the people that have decided to challenge themselves this early Sunday morning by walking/running in an event. They picked the Hot Chocolate event because they love chocolate and that’s what it takes to get them moving. After a mile, the reality of the challenge will start to kick in and as the people spread out and the noise and excitement wind down. Just then, they’ll look up and see smiling people with colorful signs (at least one dressed as the Cookie Monster) with a table full of cookies and a banner reading “FREE HUGS & COOKIES!” They’ll grab a cookie, get a hug, and feel the love that will stick with them through the rest of the race. Next, locals, tourists, and people that are homeless all over the city will be greeted by those same smiling people for their hug and cookie. There will be love all over the place!
Join us at the one mile mark near Bally’s (specifically in front of the Shell gas station at E. Flamingo Road and Koval Ln) with your smile and we’ll give you everything else. Wear anything you like and be sure to bring extra love with you.
Never given out free hugs before? Check out http://www.improvanywhere.ca/freehugs.html and http://hugsarenice.com/ to learn all about it, then just show up with open arms and a smile and that’s all there is to it! Wear anything you have that’s fun and we can bring extra colorful “free hugs” signs for anyone that needs them. This event is totally free, takes no preparation, and requires no commitment whatsoever – give it a shot and feel free to leave at any time if it’s not for you. But just so you know, you’ll likely find yourself hooked within minutes and you won’t want to leave even after everyone else is gone.
#hc15k #hotchocolate5k #hotchocolate15k #hotchocolate5k15k #hotchocolaterun #hotchocolate5kvegas #hotchocolate5k2017 #hotchocolaterunvegas #hotchocolate #lasvegas #vegas #willrunforchocolate #5k #15k #run #spreadlove #freecookies #cookiemonster #freehugs #hugs #hug #hugsarenice #rak #randomactsofkindness #randomacts #makepeoplehappy #makepeoplesmile #maketheworldsmile #maketheworldbetter